
What do the experts say about cannabis?

Cannabis has been around for millenia. It is a drug that divides opinion among medical experts, legal experts, and others

who feel the need to share their knowledge and opinions.

• The Drug Enforcement Agency (DA) is mandated to follow the rules put forward by Congress and other regulatory agencies, which up to now state cannabis is a drug with no medicinal uses.

Some opinions and observations from medical professionals:

  • Cannabis smoke may harm your lungs.
  • There are legal drugs that may work just as well relieving pain and/or nausea.
  • The long term effects of cannabis need further study.
  • Potency and dosage are unregulated and insufficiently researched.
  • It is still a federal crime to grow, distribute, and sell cannabis

Not every doctor or health professional shares the same opinions:

How is cannabis used?

Cannabis is usually smoked. It also can be brewed into tea, vaporized, applied to the skin, or cooked in food. You may be affected for hours after you use cannabis. How soon you feel the effects of cannabis and how long they last depends on many things, including:

  • How much you used.
  • How you ingested it.
  • How your body responds to it.

Unwanted side effects may include:

  • Dry mouth.
  • Red eyes.
  • Anxiety or paranoid thoughts.
  • Faster heart rate.
  • Nausea and vomiting.


Is it addictive?

Some people who regularly use cannabis become addicted, however, this is an ongoing argument that rather than being addicted, people become dependent. We are not here to debate the medical definitions, rather we are here to help customers so we must view this in its entirety.

The risk of addiction is higher in people who:

  • Start using cannabis when they’re young.
  • Use it every day.
  • Have mental health problems.
  • Use cannabis often, quit and have withdrawal symptoms. These symptoms may include anxiety, trouble sleeping, and intense cravings for the drug.

Be sure to let your doctor know if you are using medical cannabis, and, If you’re pregnant, it is not considered safe to use alcohol or drugs, including cannabis.

What is synthetic cannabis?

Synthetic cannabis is made of dried plant material that is treated with chemicals that produce effects similar to that of cannabis. It is sold in the form of incense under many names, such as K2 or Spice. The labels often claim that these products are “safe” or “natural.” But in fact, the active chemicals are created in a lab. Without any regulation, there is no way to tell what chemicals are in synthetic cannabis, and what damage they may do to an already weakened system. Many people believe that if they use synthetic cannabis they will be immune from prosecution, but as each state has different laws concerning possession, driving under the influence, etc., the outcome is usually the same – if you’re caught driving while impaired, there may be legal consequences.

Young people are often attracted to this product because it’s easy to obtain, not illegal, and may not be detected in drug tests. Synthetic cannabis is not tested to determine what sort of chemicals associated with cannabis are actually present, and in what quantity.

Some of synthetic cannabis side effects include:

  • Fast heart rate and high blood pressure.
  • Vomiting.
  • Feeling agitated or confused.
  • Feeling like others want to harm you (paranoia), or seeing or hearing things that aren’t there (hallucinations).
  • Synthetic cannabis is best avoided at all costs. There are no standards for quality assurance or product coding.
    Most is made clandestinely with suspect chemicals, and has no state government oversight.

Dosage and Titration

Important factors to consider

There are a variety of factors that go into determining the correct cannabis dosage for a person.

Cannabis use history

  • Body weight
  • General health
  • Method of consumption
  • Sensitivity to THC

Importantly, setting is everything! Make sure you are in an enjoyable, safe environment where you can enjoy your experience and explore a cannabis dosage that works best for you, your body, and your goals for wellness or your “high” experience. Because cannabis consumption is such a subjective experience, this guide to cannabis dosing should be used only as an approximation.

What to Expect

THC levels in cannabis products are measured in milligrams (mg). Consuming as little as 1mg may not have an effect on you, but it may on someone else, whether they’re experienced or not. Below is a rough outline of how different levels of cannabis dosage typically affect the “average” cannabis user.

  • 1mg-15mg: This is usually a newcomer’s safe zone. Between this range of potency, the average new user may feel giggly or, perhaps, extremely relaxed. Regular cannabis users may not experience any sensation at all from this range of cannabis dosage, but it depends on the person consuming the product.
  • 16mg-25mg: Comfortable cannabis smokers may be used to this range of potency whereas people new to cannabis may consider this territory an heroic dose The greater dose you consume, if unused to ingesting cannabis, the more likely you are to experience potentially negative side effects. While these negative feelings are not permanent, it is better to avoid discomfort altogether.
  • 26mg 50mg: Even those who enjoy dosing cannabis at high levels can exceed levels that they are comfortable with. Reaching such levels of THC can lead to a fast heart rate, paranoia, and signs of anxiety. Of course, this does not apply to everyone. There are extremely experienced long-time cannabis users whose tolerance requires such high THC potency.
  • 51 mg+: You may be wondering if there is such a person who enjoys a cannabis dosage high enough to tranquilize a bear? And the answer is yes, yes there is. Side effects of high levels of consumption like this have been known to include hallucinations and severe paranoia. While a cannabis overdose is highly unlikely, there is still the possibility of having a bad experience.

Get The Most From Each Dose

How do we guarantee the best cannabis dosage? It really depends on the bioavailability rate of your consumption method. Bioavailability is the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed into the bloodstream. In other words, this is how the percentage of cannabinoids that actually enter the body for an effective high is tracked. Bioavailability is used in methods of oral cannabis consumption, as well as in topical methods like lotions and skin serums.


Studies show that cannabis consumption by smoking contains a bioavailability rate of around 30%. The effects of smoking a bowl or sharing a joint amongst friends can become apparent in minutes and last as long as a few hours. When dosing cannabis via a bubbler, bong, or pipe, remember that you don’t have to clear the bowl before you take a break. Your weed will still be there when you get back!


This is the most effective way to dose cannabis. Because you are vaporizing the cannabinoids into gas, there is no plant matter lost in the process. This can lead to immediate effects. Studies show that, with the proper vaporizer, you could be dosing cannabis with bioavailability rates upwards of 50%. If you’re looking to experiment with a higher cannabis dosage that results in immediate sensations, then vaping might be the ticket!

Oral Consumption

When you enjoy an edible or a few drops of THC tincture under the tongue, you can expect a bioavailability rate anywhere between 4 and 20%. Edibles have a funny way of coming into their delayed effects. If you’ve ever overestimated the power of an edible and mistakenly taken another, you know what we mean. Oral consumption of cannabis does lead to intense feelings of being high, directly resulting from the high levels of psychoactive effects. Even though the bioavailability levels may not seem noteworthy, this method of consumption provides long lasting effects that can go on for hours.

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